Yorkie Poodle Mix CBD Success Story | Multiple Benefits

small yorkie Fifi wearing pigtails with red hair ties

By: Joey DiFrancesco

Yorkie Poodle Mix CBD Success Story | Multiple Benefits

Meet Fifi Sandoval, a 13 year old Yorkie/Poodle mix enjoying her golden years after Lolahemp made a huge difference in her quality of life.

Lolahemp loves to hear from our customers about how our full spectrum hemp oil is helping their pets live their best life. Today we hear from Jey Sandoval about how Lolahemp has helped her dog Fifi enjoy her golden years. 

My dog's name is Fifi Sandoval. When I was a freshman in high school, my Dad bought her as a gift for me and my younger brother who was 9 at the time. A woman was selling yorkie poodle mixes on the side of the road in a box. Fifi was the only girl of the litter. 

My Dad said he picked her because she was the calmest of the bunch, rolled into a ball in the corner of the box while her rambunctious brothers roughhoused with one another. Boy, did she fool my Dad! She is a sprite little thing! She loved to chase toys, bark at anything and everything, and dance for bacon treats! She used to outrun ANYONE! For a little dog she had the biggest personality you ever saw. 

Fifi the yorkie laying on bed wearing pink bow

When Fifi hit about 13 (this past December) her health rapidly deteriorated. She began to lose clumps of hair, began getting bloody sores on her body, her cataracts were turning her eyes almost completely white, she wouldn’t go for walks, no longer would wag her tail, wouldn’t bark, and she would hide underneath my bed for days, crying and panting in pain. 

I was absolutely distraught, my baby girl was dying. After having her for 13 years I just cried for days, knowing I needed to do the humane thing and put my dog down and out of her misery.

Then I found Lolahemp after doing extensive research online on various CBD businesses. I love that they donate a bottle for every bottle purchased. Being an animal lover this is a sure way to catch my attention! This company is truly working for the health of animals and not just for money like many other businesses.

Fifi the yorkie laying down on bed

I decided to give it a try as a last resort before having Fifi put down to end her suffering. I am so glad that I did. The improvements I noticed after purchasing Lolahemp CBD oil were evident about 2 weeks into giving her 2 drops twice a day, everyday. 

Wow! Her sores healed (with the help of diluted tea tree oil I was applying twice a day), her hair stopped falling out, she would wag her tail when I would come home, she began barking again, walking with ease. Her cataracts actually CLEARED UP which is amazing to me, and she no longer whines or pants in pain. 

I can again cuddle with my baby Fifi and watch TV, she can go for short walks, and all around she is back to the dog I’ve always known. Her 14th birthday is approaching this December, and I know Lolahemp CBD oil has made such a difference for her. 

Fifi the yorkie standing outside

I know in my heart that my dog was suffering and in pain, and there is NO PRICE on extending my dog's life and her quality of life more importantly! I will continue to give my dog Lolahemp so that we can fully enjoy her golden years together. Thank you Lolahemp!

Yes, I recommend Lolahemp to all of my dog owning friends. They are not only our dogs, they are part of our family -- A loyal companion through our ups and downs in life.

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