Today we are sharing the story of Mr. Rogers, a very special doggo who is recovering from neglect thanks to a very special volunteer and a little help from Lolahemp CBD oil. Here is what his owner Natalie Snyder had to say:

Mr. Rogers was a recent transfer from a kill shelter. When I got him, he was extremely depressed, anxious and very shut down. He was very nervous and unable to eat without vomiting for days on end. He was on antidepressants and pain medication for his joints which were causing him to have horrible seizures. He was very anxious for days on end unable to eat without vomiting.
I looked up CBD and Lolahemp was the one that I discovered that had the most incredible reviews, success stories, and results. I immediately ordered it and within days of being home, Mr. Rogers' first bottle arrived.
Within the first 24 hours of being on Lolahemp, he went from being stiff and anxious to relaxed and seemingly eager to see how easily his little legs could keep up with his personality.
It took less than two weeks for Mr. Rogers to go from a shut down, depressed, anxious, and stiff little dog in pain to an alert and joyous dog who had his appetite back. The 4 drops a day of Lolahemp in the morning and at night have drastically changed his life and because I openly rescue on social media, I’ve had numerous messages from friends asking where I got his cbd because of his incredible results that I post daily.
It has truly helped bring Mr. Rogers back to life and I would recommend it to anyone with a pet who isn’t living up to their full potential!
--Natalie Snyder