Today we hear from Madeline Ruiz who has two wonderful dogs, Rocco and Kylo. Neither pup was a planned adoption, but they have become beloved members of the Ruiz family. Both have benefitted from Lolahemp in different ways.
Can you tell us a little bit about your dogs?
Rocco came to me in 2009, a beautiful Rottweiler/Labrador mix puppy with humongous paws!!
My son was deployed to Baghdad and asked that I share his care with his girlfriend since they got the dog together. I had advised against him getting the dog because we did not know when he was coming back from deployment…but who listens to their mom??!! Lol.
Long story short…he breaks up with the girlfriend and after two years, Michael came back from Baghdad. I refused to give Rocco back…not after caring for him & loving him for two years! Plus he was very happy with his two older alpha female sisters who tortured him and loved him so much! I kept Rocco!
In April, 2019, Kylo, a 3-month old Shih Tzu puppy mix, was on the verge of being taken to a shelter because he was the runt of the litter and no one wanted him. I wasn’t ready for a new dog, having just lost Rocco’s sister (10-lb, 16 yr. old scotty mix). But I also did not want Kylo to go to the shelter so I kept him!
What kinds of problems did your dogs have before you found Lolahemp?
In 2018, Rocco started to slow down…not wanting to get up, unable to climb on anything and looking somewhat tired or depressed. It was very worrisome!
Kylo is fine…he is just hyperactive!

What made you choose Lolahemp for your dogs?
I started talking about Rocco’s problems getting around to someone while I was having my car serviced. The lady told me she had been giving her dog CBD treatments and told me what she was using. She said “Use this…this is the best, cause there are a lot of products out there.” Of course, I could not for the life of me remember what she recommended.
When I was researching the brand suggested to me I found a blog for something I think was called King Kalm. The person reviewing that brand was saying how wonderful it was…as I kept reading…he said somethin about finding a product that was even better than this King brand. That brand was Lolahemp & I’ve been using it ever since!!
Did you try any traditional treatments at first?
Rocco has gone to the doctor more in these last two years than he has all his life!!
But I will say this…when I took Rocco to the vet a few months ago, the vet recommended Mobic for inflammation and Gabapentin for pain. But he told me to see how Rocco was doing after 3 days and if he was better I should STOP the Mobic…like it was not a great drug to give Rocco.
He did say to continue with CBD treatment, however.

What are some of the specific improvements you noticed after using Lolahemp?
I saw Rocco’s energy levels improve, it wasn’t as painful for him to get up, and he even runs around a little and barks when Kylo picks fights with the dogs next door!
As for Kylo…it does seem to have a calming effect on him so I will continue to treat him with Lolahemp.
How long did it take to see improvement after starting Lolahemp?
I would say about a week or two…can’t really remember. What I do remember is that it took me a while to regulate how much to give Rocco. It was a little bit of a trial and error process to find just the right dose for him.
How much Lolahemp do you use?
Rocco gets about 25 – 30 mg. twice a day and Kylo gets 1 drop twice a day.
At one point Rocco was up to 50 mg. but he started throwing up so I stopped giving him so much. He tolerates this dosage quite well and no throwing up!
Have there been any unexpected benefits since your dogs have been taking Lolahemp?
Well, I can tell you that Kylo, once he started calming down…has turned out to be quite a sweet boy. At least he will sit now and want to cuddle!
And, when I take Rocco out for walks, he is much calmer.
Would you recommend Lolahemp to a friend?
Oh definitely! I have!