There’s a trend toward feeding human foods to dogs. We see all manner of wet foods, organic mixtures, perishable bags of dog food, and other products made with foods that we humans eat, flavored here and there to be more appealing to our furry friends.
Dogs can’t eat all of the vegetables we do, however.
That’s why it’s important to go with options that have been studied and approved. The following is a list of the best vegetables dogs can eat as well as a few ideas on incorporating them into your feeding schedule.
So, what veggies can dogs eat?
1. Broccoli is Good for Dogs in Moderation
Key Nutrients for Dogs in Broccoli: Vitamin C, Calcium, Vitamin K, Magnesium, Fiber, Protein
Broccoli is one of the most nutrient-dense vegetables on the planet. It’s known to help prevent against disease in humans and it's stuffed with vitamin C, calcium, vitamin K, magnesium, fiber, and protein.
Throw a few small amounts of broccoli into your dogs new veggie mix, but don’t make it the key ingredient. Broccoli includes compounds called isothiocyanates that can cause stomach pain in dogs.
Monitor their behavior and digestion process for the first week or so. If your dog digests broccoli well and you continue feeding it to them, it could provide some benefit.
Benefits of broccoli for dogs could include:
- Improved digestion
- Healthy brain function
- Increased bone density
2. Carrots are a Great Snack for Dogs
Key Nutrients for Dogs in Carrots: Beta Carotene, Fiber, Protein, Antioxidants, Vitamins B6, A, B, K1, Potassium
Carrots are an excellent option for your pups for numerous reasons. For one, they’re a crunchy snack for dogs find interesting and enjoyable to eat.
Another great thing about carrots is that you can feed them to dogs without cooking them. They can even be frozen when they reach your dog’s bowl and that could even make them a little more enjoyable for your friend to chew.
Make sure that carrots don’t make up more than 5 or 10 percent of the calories your dog eats on any given day. This is something to keep in mind, especially if you’re using carrots as healthy dog treats.
3. Sweet Potatoes are Excellent Treats
Key Nutrients in Sweet Potatoes for dogs: Vitamins A, C, B6, B5, E, Manganese, Potassium, Beta Carotene

Sweet potatoes and dogs are sort of a match made in heaven. While they’re not equipped with every nutrient your dog needs, they certainly include many of them.
Sweet potatoes don’t have anything dangerous to dogs so they can be a key component of a healthy canine diet. Sweet potatoes are commonly included in big-brand dog foods for this reason.
Note: White potatoes aren’t necessarily dangerous or damaging to your pup, but they can cause blood sugar spikes and they aren’t as nutritious as sweet potatoes. If you’re going to choose one, we suggest sweet potatoes.
The best way to give your dog sweet potatoes is to finely chop them up, boil them, and make them as easy to chew as you can. The smaller the chunks, the better. The softer, the better. Boiling sweet potatoes will make them much easier to chew and digest, particularly if your dog isn’t used to digesting vegetables in general.
4. Zucchini is a Crunchy, Healthy Snack
Key Nutrients for Dogs in Zucchini: Vitamins A, C, K, B6, Folate, Copper, Phosphorous, Potassium

Zucchini is another wonderful vegetable for dogs, although you should use it in moderation. You don’t have to be as careful as you are with broccoli, but it’s important that zucchini isn’t the main aspect of your dog’s diet.
In moderation, zucchinis are a great source of B vitamins, fibers, vitamin A, potassium, antioxidants, and more. Plus, they’re a crunchy, easily digestible option for your dog.
The water and fiber contained in this vegetable could help your dog with digestion, fight against constipation, and even improve your pup’s gut biome. You can leave the skin on. It might be best to steam, boil, puree, or bake zucchinis into little dog treats.
Tips for Feeding Zucchini to Your Dog
Zucchini is pretty soft, chewable, and digestible as it is. Still, it’s important to cut it up for your pooch before they dig in.
Just chop and serve. You can boil or mash the zucchini down if your dog prefers things that way. Softening or mashing zucchini (and all new vegetables) is a good idea if you’re starting your dog on a new diet with numerous unfamiliar items.
It takes some time to get the digestive system used to working with these new raw organic materials, especially after a lifetime of digesting kibble alone
5. Plain Green Beans are Good for Dogs
Key Nutrients: Vitamins C, A, K, B6, E, Niacin, Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorous

By "plain", we mean unseasoned. You’re free to boil, bake, cook, or puree the beans however you like.
Just make sure they’re natural and unfettered with additional ingredients. Do not feed your dog beans from the can as they may be spiked with seasonings, preservatives, and excessive amounts of salt.
The best bet is to buy natural beans from the grocery store and cut them up, boiling or steaming them as you see fit before you feed them to your furry friend.
Green beans are high in fiber, which makes dogs (and humans) feel less hungry after eating only a few of them. That means they’re a great option if you’re trying to help your dog to lose weight.
Green beans are jammed with nutrients, too.
Tips for Feeding Green Beans to Your Dog
Chop up the green beans before feeding them to your dog. Boil or steam them as well, and make sure you don’t include any extra spices or seasonings.
You’ll also want to wash the beans to get rid of any toxins or contaminants they picked up on their way from the source to your door.
We should note that all of the options above have shown to be healthy in moderation for most dogs. That doesn't mean that every dog will react the exact same way.
Healthy dogs should be able to tolerate and benefit from the foods in the list above. If your dog has a particular health condition or a particularly fragile system, it's absolutely worth talking with your veterinarian about changing up the feeding process.
In many cases, they will have a direct and simple answer for you.
For those that start incorporating vegetables and notice there's a negative change in behavior, digestion, mood, or general health, you should head straight to your vet. While it's a great thing to make your dog's diet healthier, it's always best to defer to the professionals whenever you're in doubt.
Introduce Ingredients Slowly
One way to sift out foods that don't agree with your dog is to introduce ingredients one at a time. Start adding foods and give each one a few weeks before you introduce another.
That way, you'll know which ingredients are causing problems. Even "superfoods for dogs" can be damaging to certain dogs. If you start to notice a negative change of any kind, you can scrap that ingredient and move onto the next.
When you introduce everything at once, it's a lot harder to figure out where the problem is coming from.