german shepherd sitting in a field of grass with head tilted to the right

CBD Oil for Dogs: Drug Interactions

Posted by Joey DiFrancesco on

german shepherd sitting in a field of grass with head tilted to the right

Here at Lolahemp, we want to make sure our customers are using our full-spectrum hemp oil for dogs responsibly. One issue that owners need to be aware of is the fact that cannabidiol (CBD) has the potential to interact with other veterinary medications. 

This article will explore how these interactions might occur, emphasizing the importance of working with your vet before giving hemp products to your dog if they are taking other medications. 

man in black shirt kissing his black and white border collie

Liver Enzymes in the Cytochrome P450 Family

Many pharmaceutical drugs are metabolized in the liver using specific enzymes. One group of these enzymes is known as the Cytochrome P450 family, or CYP450 group. These enzymes metabolize certain drugs, removing those drugs from the bloodstream. Dosing for such drugs is based on the proper functioning of this metabolic pathway. 

If the CYP450 metabolic pathway is disrupted or inhibited, then the levels of certain drugs in the bloodstream will not be properly metabolized.

In some cases, this means that higher levels of those drugs stay in the bloodstream rather than being pushed out as waste in the liver. The real danger here is that it can create situations where there is too much of the pharmaceutical drug in the bloodstream, causing overdose or other complications in some cases. 

For example, let’s take a look at a common blood thinner, warfarin. It is given to people with cardiovascular disease.

However, it is dosed with the assumption that the CYP450 metabolic pathway will remove some of the active compounds from the bloodstream at a reliable pace. If that process is inhibited by CBD, then it can cause too much of the blood thinner to be active in the blood, causing serious problems such as internal hemorrhaging. 


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Is CBD Enhancing The Effect of Other Drugs?

Compounds such as CBD may actually enhance the effect of some drugs. Since less of the drug needs to be administered to be effective because it stays in the bloodstream longer, some doctors, researchers, and vets are looking into how this might be used to advantage. 

For example, some research has shown that CBD, due to its action on CYP450 pathways as well as other complex signaling functions in the central nervous system, may actually enhance the action of some drugs. This might allow medical practitioners to decrease the dosage of those drugs without reducing the effectiveness. 

Often referred to as a “synergistic effect,” research on this enhancing effect is still very much in the early stages. However, there is some preliminary research to show this effect with:

Can Other Things Interfere with the CYP450 Pathway?

Yes. In fact, several scientific studies have shown that many other foods and supplements used in people can inhibit the CYP450 metabolic mechanisms. 

Fewer studies have been done on dogs, but the working assumption is that the mechanisms of this metabolic pathway are similar in dogs and people.

Food and Supplements That Can Inhibit CYP450 Enzymes Infograph

Which Drugs Can Interact with CBD?

About 60% of pharmaceutical drugs used in human medicine use the CYP450 metabolic pathway. In veterinary medicine, many of the drugs prescribed to our pets also use this metabolic pathway. Please consult with your vet about the use of CBD oil if your dog is taking any other medications. 

Represented in the table below are some of the more commonly prescribed veterinary drugs that can interact with CBD. Note: this is not an exhaustive list, so again, it is critical to consult with your vet first. 

Veterinary Drugs That Can Interact With CBD Oil Infograph

Talk to Your Vet: CBD Veterinary Drug Interactions 

At Lolahemp, we strive to keep our customers aware of the ongoing research exploring CBD and health for our canine companions through our informative blog. But we also want our customers to be aware of how to use dog CBD responsibly. 

It is important to talk to your vet if you notice physical or behavioral problems with your dog. Early veterinary diagnosis can treat many conditions that could be otherwise life-threatening. Never attempt to diagnose your own pet. 

In addition, if your dog is taking any other pet medication, check with your vet to be sure that their treatment plan is adjusted with CBD products in mind. This may mean a decrease in other medications such as NSAIDs, anti-seizure medication, or anticonvulsants. Your vet may also say that adding CBD is not a good idea due to interference with medications your dog may need to maintain their health.

CBD and Fluoxetine for Dogs: Interactions

Both of these options used together may depress a dogs respiratory or cardiac systems, and this can be dangerous. Don't use CBD and Fluoxetine together would clear and vice and monitoring from your veterinarian.

CBD and Trazodone for Dogs: Interactions

CBD and Trazodone may be used together if your veterinarian gives you the go-ahead. Used without caution, this combination can lead to serotonin syndrome, liver issues, and more.


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Joey founded Lolahemp in 2018 after the success his own dog (Lola) experienced with hemp oil for her debilitating stress and anxiety. He has now made it his mission to educate pet owners everywhere on the benefits of holistic health and the therapeutic properties of the hemp plant. Joey is the visionary behind the brand, managing the director level team members and keeping the company's course. He enjoys long city walks with Lola, traveling with his wife Christa and spending time with family.

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