Most dog owners have dealt with at least one episode of gastrointestinal upset. Your dog's upset stomach can have a variety of causes ranging from mild to serious. However, it can be difficult to know when the symptoms require treatment from a veterinarian. In this article, we'll discuss major causes of gastrointestinal and digestive disorders in dogs, specific issues like food allergies, how to protect your dog's digestive health, and more.
Types of Chronic Canine Digestive Disorders
Most dogs experience short-term digestive problems at some point in theri lives. These issues can go away on their own or require emergency medical treatment depending on the situation. Other times, your dog's digestive health may be a long-term issue. These pups are more likely to lose weight and have persistent diarrhea, severe vomiting, or other concerning symptoms.
Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Inflammatory bowel disease, or IBD, is a complex condition that causes chronic digestive issues. In humans, IBD includes Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. The underlying problem is inflammation in the intestines. It's unclear whether IBD in dogs and human IBD are equivalent digestive disorders. Veterinary experts prefer the term "chronic enteropathy" for this reason (2). Researchers are still learniing about the underlying causes of this condition in dogs.
Dogs with IBD typically have digestive health concerns lasting longer than 3 weeks. Common signs include vomiting and diarrhea, loss of appetite, weight loss, and abdominal pain. Veterinarians will perform tests to rule out other diseases, such as digestive system cancer (neoplasia), before diagnosing IBD.
Food Allergies
A food allergy occurs when something in your dog's food leads to an inflammatory reaction in their digestive system. Healthy dogs can have digestive issues after eating people food. In contrast, dogs with food allergies have an abnormal response to normal ingredients in dog food.
Many dog owners have success treating this by starting with an allergy elimination diet.
Dog food contains a mix of proteins, carbohydrates, fats that your dog's body converts to energy. They also supply required vitamins, minerals, and other micronutrients. Dogs with digesetive issues related to allergies tend to improve with dietary changes, such as switching to a new dog food.
Bloat: A Life-Threatening Emergency
Gastric dilitation and volvulus (GDV), or bloat, is a life-threatening digestive disorder that requires immediate veterinary attention. It happens when the dog's stomach twists around itself, cutting off the exits and causing dangerous gas buildup.

GDV is most common in large-breed dogs with deep chests. Breeds prone to life-threatening bloat include:
Doberman Pinschers
German Shepherds
Standard Poodles
Great Danes
Saint Bernards
Irish Setters
Standard Poodles
Gordon Setters
Dogs are at the highest risk for bloat when they exercise right after eating a big meal. When GDV begins, the dog appears to vomit multiple times but nothing comes out. Other symptoms include abdominal pain, restlessness, drooling, breathing hard, and swelling of the stomach. Seek veterinary attention immediately if you think your dog has GDV/bloat. Without proper treatment, this condition is fatal.

Symptoms of Stomach Disorders in Dogs
Common clinical signs of digestive problems in dogs include:
Abdominal discomfort (hunched posture, not wanting the belly touched)
Weight loss
Change in stool color
Mucus in stool
Retching or regurgitation
Changes in appetite

Causes of Digestive Problems in Dogs
Digestive disorders are complex and can have a variety of root causes. They can involve primarily the stomach, small intestine, large intestine, esophagus, or a mixture of multiple areas. Stomach problems can also be secondary to issues elsewhere in the body (1).
Acute gastroenteritis is a general term for episodes of short, often self-limiting episodes of stomach upset. They can be caused by table scraps your dog ate, foreign objects, toxic plants, infections, acute pancreatitis, and other diseases.
Other common sources of dog digestive problems include:
Emotional upset (stress diarrhea)
Dietary indescretion (something your dog ate)
Spoiled, rotten, or rich human food
Overating pet food
Human medications
Non-food objects (socks, plastic, bones, corn cobs)
Infectious diseases
Bacterial infections
Viral infections
Acute or chronic inflammation
Intestinal tract blockage
Small intestinal malabsorption (genetics or inflammation)
Many dogs exhibit one or more common signs of digestive issues. Usually these signs are not specific to a single condition. For example, changes to your dog's stool color could be caused by stomach ulcers, a new dog food, or something else. Diagnostics at your veterinarian's office will be required to identify the cause of your dog's digestive problems.

Treatment and Supporting Your Dog's Digestive Health
Digestive issues in dogs have a large number of potential causes. The digestive system is complex, and it can be affected by issues in other parts of the body. The solution to your dog's digestive concerns will depend on the underlying problem. For temporary bouts of gastrointestinal upset, a bland diet of boiled chicken and rice can calm down the digestive tract. If your dog ate a toy or other foreign object, they may need surgery to remove it.
Dogs with chronic stomach issues may benefit from a prescription dog food or other special diet. Consult your veterinarian to chose the best dog food for your pup's unique needs. For issues like parasites, an infected dog will only improve with appropriate medication. Working together with your vet is the best way to protect your dog's digestive health.