Lung cancer is a condition that affects our beloved canine companions. Although lung tumors are rare in dogs, it is a complex and often devastating disease. It can strike any breed, age, gender or size of dog, and its causes remain multifaceted and not fully understood.
Statistics show that over 50% of dogs over 10 years of age will develop cancer, but only 1% of these cases account for lung cancer. However, despite primary lung tumors in dogs being rare, more than 80% are cancerous when they do occur. Additionally, it is highly likely that these tumors will spread to the lymph nodes, chest cavity bones, and brain.
This article will explore the types of lung cancer in dogs, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, stages, and life expectancy for dogs suffering from the disease.
4 Types of Lung Cancer in Dogs
Lung cancer in dogs, though less common than in humans, is a serious condition with several variations. The main types include:
Primary Lung Tumors: These originate in the lungs and include adenocarcinomas (slow-growing, often detected late) and squamous cell carcinomas (more aggressive). Symptoms may include coughing, labored breathing, and lethargy.
Metastatic Lung Tumors: Secondary tumors that spread to the lungs from cancers elsewhere in the body, such as the mammary glands or bones. Symptoms depend on the primary tumor but typically involve coughing, weight loss, and respiratory issues.
Pulmonary Carcinomas: This category includes small-cell (aggressive) and large-cell (slower-growing) carcinomas. Dogs may experience coughing, chest pain, and breathing difficulty.
Pleural Mesothelioma: A rare type of cancer affecting the lung lining (pleura), often linked to asbestos exposure, causing chest pain, breathing problems, and fluid accumulation in the chest.
These lung cancer types can significantly impact a dog's health, with symptoms such as breathing difficulty, coughing, and lethargy.

Causes of Lung Cancer in Dogs
The causes of lung cancer in dogs are not entirely understood, but several factors may contribute to its development. Below is a list of potential causes and risk factors associated with the disease:
Genetic Predisposition: Certain dog breeds appear to be more prone to lung cancer due to their genetic makeup. For example, the West Highland White Terrier, Bichon Frise, Australian Shepherd, Bernese Mountain Dogs, and Boxers have a higher risk of developing this disease.
Secondhand Smoking: Exposure to cigarette smoke is a significant risk factor for lung cancer in dogs, just as it is for humans. Therefore, dogs living in households with smokers are at an increased risk.
Environmental Toxins: Exposure to cancer-causing pollutants such as air pollution, asbestos, and other carcinogens may cause your dog to be more susceptible to contracting the disease.
Age: It is more common in older dogs, with the risk increasing as dogs age. This is likely due to the cumulative effects of long-term exposure to potential carcinogens.
Occupational Hazards: Dogs that work in environments with exposure to industrial chemicals or environmental toxins may have an increased risk of developing lung cancer.
Radiation Exposure: Dogs that have undergone radiation therapy for other medical conditions may have an increased risk of developing secondary cancers, including that of the lungs.
Diet and Nutrition: While not a direct cause, diet and nutrition can play a role in a dog's overall health and immune system function. A healthy diet and appropriate weight management can help support the immune system's ability to combat cancer.

Symptoms of Lung Cancer in Dogs
The symptoms can be subtle and easily mistaken for other respiratory issues. Consequently, you must be vigilant about changes in your dog's health. Common clinical signs that your furry friend may have a lung tumor include:
Coughing: Persistent and unproductive coughing is one of the earliest symptoms of lung cancer. The cough may be dry or accompanied by blood.
Labored Breathing: Dogs with a lung condition may experience increased respiratory rate and effort. They may also show signs of wheezing and shallow breathing.
Reduced Exercise Tolerance: If your dog becomes less active, struggles during exercise, or tires easily, it could be one of the early signs of lung cancer.
Weight Loss: Unexplained weight loss, even when appetite remains normal, is a concerning symptom.
Lethargy: A general lack of energy, reluctance to engage in activities, and a change in behavior could be indicative of illness.
Loss of Appetite: Dogs with the disease may lose their appetite, leading to reduced food consumption.
Hemoptysis: Coughing up blood can be a severe symptom and requires immediate medical attention.
Cyanosis: In advanced cases, dogs may develop a bluish tint to their mucous membranes such as the gums and tongue due to decreased oxygen levels in the blood.
Note that both primary lung cancer and metastatic cancer in dogs have similar symptoms, but coughing in the former is typically more common than in the latter.
How Canine Lung Cancer is Diagnosed
If you notice any of the aforementioned symptoms in your dog, it is crucial to consult a veterinarian promptly. Diagnosing this ailment typically involves a combination of the following steps:
Physical Examination: Your veterinarian will conduct a thorough physical examination, paying particular attention to your dog's respiratory system and chest.
Radiographs (X-rays): Chest X-rays are the primary imaging tool used to detect lung cancer. They can reveal the size, location, and extent of the tumor.
Cytology: A fine needle aspiration biopsy may be performed to obtain a sample of the tumor for cytological analysis. This helps determine the type of cancer and its malignancy.
Blood Tests: Bloodwork provides insights into the dog's overall health and may detect any secondary complications related to the cancer.
Computed Tomography (CT) Scan: In some cases, your veterinarian may recommend a CT scan, which is used for more detailed imaging to assess the extent of the cancer and help with treatment planning.

Treatment of Canine Lung Cancer
Once your furry friend has been diagnosed with this illness, the next logical step is treatment. However, the choice of treatment is made depending on the size of the tumor, the type of cancer, its stage, the dog's overall health, and the owner's preferences. The most common treatment options include:
Thoracic Surgery: If the tumor is localized, surgery may be an option for removing it. However, this is typically more common in cases of a primary lung tumor and is often accompanied by chemotherapy. Thankfully, most dogs tend to improve drastically after surgery.
Chemotherapy: Chemotherapy is commonly used for treating cases where the cancer has spread. It helps slow down the progression of the disease, alleviate symptoms, and improve the dog's quality of life.
Radiation Therapy: Radiation therapy may be used to treat cancer in dogs, especially when surgery is not an option. It is also often combined with chemotherapy for more effective results.
Palliative Care: When multiple tumors are found and the cancer is too advanced for curative treatment, palliative care focuses on managing symptoms and improving the dog's quality of life through therapy and medication.
Stages of Lung Cancer in Dogs
Staging plays a vital role in determining the extent of lung cancer in dogs and guides the treatment plan. Here's a more detailed breakdown of the stages:
Stage 0: The cancer is confined to a small area within the lung and has not spread to surrounding tissues or other parts of the body. At this early stage, the cancer may be asymptomatic or show minimal signs.
Stage 1: The tumor is still localized within the lung and has not spread to nearby lymph nodes or other structures. While it may still be confined to the lung, there may be a higher likelihood of symptoms like coughing or labored breathing.
Stage 2: The tumor has begun to spread beyond the lung to nearby structures, such as the chest wall or diaphragm, and/or has affected regional lymph nodes. Symptoms may become more pronounced, and the tumor may be more challenging to treat with surgery alone.
Stage 3: The cancer has spread more extensively within the chest, possibly involving the chest wall, diaphragm, or mediastinal structures. It may also affect nearby organs, like the heart or esophagus. At this stage, the disease is more advanced, and the prognosis may become less favorable.
Stage 4: The cancer has metastasized to distant organs, such as the liver, bones, or other vital organs. This stage typically marks the most advanced form of the disease, making treatment options more limited and less effective. The focus at this stage is often on palliative care to improve the dog’s quality of life.
Staging helps veterinarians determine how far the cancer has spread and decide on the most appropriate treatment approach, which may include surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, or palliative care.
Life Expectancy for Dogs with Lung Cancer
The prognosis for dogs diagnosed with lung cancer varies based on factors such as tumor type, size, stage, and the dog's overall health. Dogs with a single primary lung tumor that hasn't spread to lymph nodes have a better outlook, with many surviving over 12 months.
However, if the cancer has spread to lymph nodes or other organs, survival time may be reduced to about 1-4 months. In advanced cases, the focus shifts to palliative care to enhance the dog's quality of life.
Can Dogs Beat Lung Cancer?
Dogs can survive and sometimes manage lung cancer, but it largely depends on factors like the cancer's type, stage, location, and the dog's overall health. Early-stage lung cancer that is localized and hasn't spread may be treatable with surgery, radiation, or other therapies, giving the dog a chance for an extended life.
If the cancer is advanced or has metastasized to other parts of the body, the prognosis is less optimistic, and treatment usually focuses on improving comfort and quality of life rather than a cure. Early detection and timely treatment are crucial for the best possible outcome.
Palliative Care for Dogs with Cancer
Dealing with a diagnosis of lung cancer in your beloved canine companion can be an emotionally challenging experience. When the illness is advanced, aggressive treatments may not offer a cure or significant improvement, and in such cases, palliative care becomes a crucial consideration. Here are some key aspects of palliative care:
Pain Management: Lung cancer can cause discomfort and pain. Palliative care prioritizes pain management through the use of medications, such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and opioids, to ensure that your dog is as pain-free as possible.
Symptom Control: Your dog may experience a range of distressing symptoms, including coughing, labored breathing, and loss of appetite. Palliative care aims to alleviate these symptoms, improving your dog's quality of life. Medications and therapies may be administered to ease these distressing signs.
Nutrition Support: Dogs with this ailment tend to lose their appetite, making it challenging to maintain a healthy body weight. Palliative care includes dietary adjustments, such as providing highly palatable and nutrient-dense foods, to ensure your dog receives essential nutrients and stays well-nourished.
Emotional Support: Caring for a dog with cancer can take an emotional toll on both the pet and the owner. Palliative care considers the psychological and emotional well-being of both, providing support and counseling when needed.
Hospice Care: In some cases, dogs with advanced lung cancer may benefit from hospice care. This approach focuses on end-of-life comfort and allows your dog to remain at home surrounded by familiar and loving faces. It includes providing pain relief, supportive care, and ensuring a peaceful and dignified end.
The Bottom Line
Lung cancer in dogs occurs when abnormal cells grow uncontrollably in the lungs, forming tumors or causing structural changes. It can be primary (originating in the lungs) or metastatic (spreading from elsewhere).
While any dog can develop lung cancer, breeds like Boxers and Australian Shepherds, as well as dogs aged 10-12, are more prone. Early detection and intervention are vital for better outcomes, so consult a vet if you suspect your dog may have this condition.