Lion's Mane Mushroom Benefits for Dogs

Posted by Lianne McLeod D.V.M. on

Lion's Mane Mushroom Benefits for Dogs

Central to the hearts of pet owners is the unwavering commitment to the well-being and happiness of their cherished companions. This dedication propels a proactive search for holistic healthcare solutions, venturing beyond conventional approaches to explore the healing embrace of nature.

Among the array of natural remedies, the Lion’s Mane Mushroom emerges as a remarkable ally, wielding potential benefits not only for humans but also for our beloved cats and dogs.

In this article, we will explore the benefits of Lion’s Mane mushrooms specifically tailored for our canine companions. Read on for insights into how this natural wonder can contribute to the well-being of our furry friends.

What are Lion's Mane Mushrooms?

lion's mane circle image

The Lion's Mane mushroom, scientifically known as Hericium erinaceus, is a nutritional and medicinal mushroom, also known as the pom pom mushroom, hedgehog mushroom, or monkey head mushroom. These fungi have a striking physical manifestation, characterized by cascading white tendrils that resemble the mane of a lion. The intricate and flowing structure of these tendrils contributes to their unique and distinct aesthetic, making them easily recognizable in the wild. 

Cultural and Historical Significance

Lion's Mane mushrooms also hold a rich history deeply rooted in various cultures. Throughout history, these mushrooms have found their place in traditional medicine and culinary practices across Asia and other parts of the world. 

In traditional Chinese medicine practices, these mushrooms have been used by herbalists to help enhance cognitive function and promote overall well-being.

Health Potential of Lion's Mane for Humans and Dogs

lion's mane image green round

The fungi have gained attention for their potential benefits for both humans and our four-legged companions. Recent scientific studies suggest that Lions Mane mushrooms may have neuroprotective properties and can potentially support cognitive health. The presence of compounds such as hericenones and erinacines has sparked interest in exploring these mushrooms as a natural supplement for mental well-being.

Notably, the potential benefits extend beyond humans, as these mushrooms are increasingly being recognized for their positive impact on canine health. With preliminary research indicating anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, these mushrooms could offer a holistic approach to supporting a dog’s health.

Nutritional Content of Lion’s Mane Mushrooms

These mushrooms offer a spectrum of essential vitamins, minerals, and bioactive compounds. Delving into the nutritional content reveals a lot of elements that contribute to the holistic well-being of both humans and their canine companions.

wavy frame lion's mane
  1. Essential Vitamins

Lion's Mane mushrooms are notably rich in B vitamins, a group of essential nutrients crucial for various bodily functions. These include B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B5 (pantothenic acid), and B6 (pyridoxine). These vitamins play a pivotal role in energy metabolism, nerve function, and the synthesis of neurotransmitters. For dogs, maintaining optimal levels of these vitamins is vital for overall health, supporting their nervous system and preventing nervous system disorders.

  1. Minerals

The mineral profile of Hericium erinaceus further enhances their nutritional benefits. Potassium, an electrolyte, aids in maintaining proper hydration and supports heart function in dogs. Copper, another essential mineral found in these mushrooms, plays a crucial role in the formation of connective tissues, contributing to the healthy dog bones and joints.

  1. Bioactive Compounds

Beyond conventional vitamins and minerals, these functional mushrooms have active compounds that set them apart.

  • Polysaccharides

Polysaccharides serve as fundamental building blocks that contribute to overall health. These complex carbohydrates play a crucial role in providing sustained energy to the body. Additionally, polysaccharides exhibit immunomodulatory properties, supporting the proper functioning of the immune system.

  • Beta-glucan

This mushroom extract with immune-modulating properties. They help to regulate and strengthen the immune system. These compounds can activate immune cells, enhancing the body's defense mechanisms against infections and diseases.

  • Hericenones And Erinacines

These compounds have been associated with stimulating the production of nerve growth factor (NGF) in the brain. NGF plays a pivotal role in the maintenance, survival, and regeneration of nerve cells. Consequently, hericenones and erinacines in Lion's Mane mushroom are considered neuroprotective, potentially supporting and contributing to overall brain and nervous system health.

The nutritional richness of Lion's Mane mushrooms for dogs makes them a valuable addition to the canine diet. Incorporating these fungi into their nutrition plan, allows pet owners to provide their dogs with a holistic approach to health maintenance. From supporting cognitive function through B vitamins to promoting bone and joint strength with minerals, this mushroom species offer a multifaceted nutritional strategy for canine well-being.

Lion's Mane Mushroom Benefits for Dogs

While scientific research on Lion's Mane mushroom and its specific effects on dogs is an evolving field, existing studies on the mushroom's bioactive compounds provide a foundation for understanding it's potential benefits. As research advances, the potential for these fungi to contribute to the well-being and happiness of dogs becomes an increasingly fascinating avenue for exploration.

lion's mane rectangular

Lion's Mane mushroom benefits as a natural supplement include;

  1. Immune System Support

Lion's Mane mushrooms may have immune-modulating properties. Studies have suggested that beta-glucans can stimulate and regulate the immune system, contributing to a dog's ability to fend off infections and maintain overall health. Research in this area is ongoing, and while specific studies on dogs may be limited, the immunomodulatory effects of beta-glucans are well-documented in the broader scientific literature.

  1. Cognitive Function Support

Another health benefit is supporting cognitive function, an aspect crucial for the mental well-being of dogs, particularly for senior dogs. Hericenone and Erinacine compounds may promote the growth of nerve cells and may enhance brain and nervous system health in older dogs. Lion’s Mane used to treat canine cognitive dysfunction has led to improvements in alertness and mental acuity.

  1. May Improve Cardiovascular Function

Recent attention has focused on the potential cardiovascular benefits of this mushroom. Compounds present in Lion's Mane, such as beta-glucan, may contribute to cardiovascular health by lowering cholesterol levels, supporting overall heart function, and reducing risks of a heart attack or heart disease. 

  1. Antibacterial and Anti-Inflammatory Properties

In addition, orcinol derivatives of Hericium erinaceus have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Lion’s mane helps promote a natural defense against bacterial infections in dogs and chronic inflammation that can pose challenges for a dog, especially those dealing with conditions like arthritis or joint discomfort.

  1. Gut Health Improvements

A balanced gut microbiome is integral to a dog's overall well-being, playing a crucial role in developing digestion and immune health. Lions Mane mushroom also contributes to maintaining gut health. These fungi safeguard against the development of a leaky gut, promote the healing of ulcers, and regenerate the intestinal lining. 

  1. Potential Reduction of Anxiety and Depression

Research is also associating this mushroom with potential mood-enhancing effects. The presence of compounds like hericenones in Lion's Mane has been linked to neuroprotective and mood-regulating properties. Incorporation of hedgehog fungus into a dog's diet may contribute to reducing anxiety and promoting a more positive emotional state.

Lion’s Mane Feeding Guidelines 

Integrating Lion's Mane mushrooms into your dog's diet requires thoughtful consideration. Here are practical guidelines to ensure a seamless and beneficial incorporation of these mushrooms into your canine companion's nutrition plan.

square type lion's mane on tree

Form of Lion's Mane Mushrooms

  • Fresh Mushroom

If opting for fresh Lion's Mane mushrooms, ensure they are thoroughly cleaned, free of contaminants, and sliced into manageable portions. Dogs might find the texture appealing, and incorporating them into meals can provide both nutritional benefits and a sensory experience.

  • Dried Mushroom

Dried Lion's Mane mushrooms offer a convenient option for storage and portion control. Rehydrate the mushrooms before serving by soaking them in warm water. This softened form can be easily mixed into your dog's regular food.

  • Supplements

Lion's Mane supplements, available in various forms such as powders, treats, or capsules, provide a concentrated and easily measured dose. These are particularly practical for pet owners who prefer precise control over their dog's mushroom intake.

  • Powder

Lion's Mane mushroom powder offers versatility in integration. You can easily sprinkle the recommended dosage onto your dog's regular food. Ensure thorough mixing to ensure your furry friend receives the full spectrum of benefits.

  • Capsules

Lion's Mane mushroom capsules provide a convenient and controlled way to administer this supplement. Capsules are particularly useful for dogs who may be discerning eaters or for pet owners seeking precision in dosage. Simply open the capsule and mix the contents with your dog's food. 

  • Treats

For a delightful and health-conscious treat, consider Lion's Mane mushroom-infused dog treats. These specialized treats not only cater to your dog's taste buds but also deliver the benefits of Lion's Mane in a palatable form. Treats are especially beneficial for positive reinforcement during training or as an occasional reward.

Appropriate Serving Sizes

Larger dogs may benefit from a slightly larger serving size compared to smaller breeds. Before starting your dog on a Lion’s Mane Mushroom, consult your Vet. 

Additionally, consider your dog's overall health. If your dog has pre-existing conditions or is on medication, consult with your veterinarian before introducing this mushroom extract into their diet.

Remember to start introducing Lion's Mane mushroom gradually. Start with a small amount and observe your dog's response. Depending on individual tolerance and preferences, you can incorporate them into meals 2-3 times a week.

While Lion's Mane mushrooms for dogs offer numerous health benefits, an appropriate and measured approach ensures a positive and enjoyable experience for your furry friend. Always monitor your dog's response and consult with your veterinarian for personalized guidance tailored to the unique needs of your dog.

Consulting a Veterinarian Before Trying it

Before you start giving your dog Lion's Mane mushrooms or adding a new supplement to their diet, seek professional advice. Veterinarians possess the expertise to assess your dog's health status, ensuring a tailored approach based on individual needs.

Importance of Professional Guidance

  1. Individualized Recommendations: Veterinarians can provide personalized guidance based on your dog's health history, existing conditions, and medication regimen.

  2. Monitoring Health Responses: Professional oversight allows for the careful monitoring of your dog's response to the introduction of Lion's Mane mushrooms, ensuring safety and efficacy.

  3. Open Communication: Foster an open line of communication with your veterinarian. Share your observations and concerns, enabling them to make informed recommendations and adjustments as needed.

 Potential Risks and Side Effects


While these mushrooms hold a spectrum of potential benefits for our canine companions, it's essential to tread carefully and be mindful of potential risk factors. 

As with any dietary addition, there exists the potential for individual variability in how a dog responds to Lion's Mane mushrooms. Allergic reactions, though rare, can occur. Symptoms may manifest as itching, swelling, or digestive distress. Additionally, some dogs may experience mild gastrointestinal sensitivity, leading to symptoms like nausea or loose stools.

Upon introducing Lion's Mane mushrooms into your dog's diet, observe their reactions closely. Monitor for any signs of discomfort, unusual behavior, or changes in stool consistency. It's recommended to start with a small amount initially and gradually increase to gauge the tolerance of your dog.

Should you notice any adverse reactions or if you have concerns about your dog's response to this fungi, do not hesitate to consult your veterinarian promptly. Professional guidance ensures an informed assessment health status of your dog and allows for swift adjustments to their dietary plan if needed.

The Bottomline

The multifaceted advantages of Lion's Mane mushrooms, ranging from immune system support and cognitive enhancement to potential relief for inflammatory conditions, create a compelling narrative for their inclusion in our dogs' diets. These medical mushrooms promote digestion, improve brain function, boost immunity, improve memory, and improve cognitive diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, and also degenerative myelopathy.

These mushrooms are available in various forms be it as powders, capsules, or delectable treats providing versatility to their integration into our canine companions' daily routines. However, before you try incorporating Lion’s Mane Mushrooms we should consult your Vets for guidance based on what is suitable for your dog.

As stewards of our dogs' health, let us embark on this journey with an open heart, a watchful eye, and a commitment to fostering the vitality and well-being of our cherished companions.


  1. Nagano M, Shimizu K, Kondo R, Hayashi C, Sato D, Kitagawa K, Ohnuki K. Reduction of depression and anxiety by 4 weeks Hericium erinaceus intake. Biomed Res. 2010 Aug;31(4):231-7. doi: 10.2220/biomedres.31.231. PMID: 20834180.

  1. Spelman, K., Sutherland, E., & Bagade, A. (2017). Neurological activity of Lion’s mane (Hericium erinaceus). Journal of Restorative Medicine, 6(1), 19-26.

  1. Durmus, A., Durmus, I., Bender, O., & Karatepe, 0. (2021). The effect of Hericium erinaceum on the prevention of chemically induced experimental colitis in rats. Korean Journal of Internal Medicine.

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  • I gave my 1 year old staffie an 1/8 of a teaspoon of Lion’s Mane Powder and she broke out in Hives. Strength 2100mg capsule. So way less than the reccomended amount. She did not tolerate it.

    LM on

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Lianne McLeod, DVM, is a former writer for The Spruce Pets, contributing articles for 11 years. Before Dr. McLeod began writing about pet care, she worked several years in small animal practice. She has written extensively about the care and keeping of exotic pets and pet health care. She now researches water quality and chronic disease at the University of Saskatchewan. Lianne McLeod earned her Doctorate of Veterinary Medicine from the Western College of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Saskatchewan. She also received a Bachelor of Science degree in biology from Simon Fraser University. She continued her education and received a Ph.D. in Epidemiology from the University of Saskatchewan. Now, she splits her time between her family, research and writing about pet health for all the animal lovers out there.
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