Benefits of Colostrum for Dogs

Benefits of Colostrum for Dogs

Posted by Lianne McLeod D.V.M. on

Benefits of Colostrum for Dogs

Man's best friend deserves the best care, and one often-overlooked yet valuable resource in promoting canine health is colostrum. Derived from the first milk produced shortly after giving birth, colostrum is a nutritional powerhouse that extends its benefits beyond newborn mammals, proving to be a vital supplement for dogs of all ages.

In dogs, just like in other mammals, colostrum is produced by the mammary glands during the first few days after giving birth. The production of colostrum is a natural and essential process that ensures the newborn receives essential nutrients and immune support during the critical early stages of life.

dogs running, colostrum

Colostrum is a complex fluid containing a unique combination of bioactive components, including immunoglobulins, growth factors, cytokines, and various nutrients. Immunoglobulins, such as IgG, IgA, and IgM, play a crucial role in supporting the immune system, providing passive immunity to newborn animals, or, in the case of dogs, boosting the overall immune response.

In addition, colostrum is rich in growth factors such as insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), which supports tissue repair and development. It also contains essential nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and proteins, making it a powerhouse of nutrition.

This article will explore the benefits, dosage, administration, considerations, and precautions of colostrum for responsible pet care.

Benefits of Colostrum for Dogs

In the pursuit of optimal canine health, pet owners are increasingly turning to natural supplements, and one such product gaining recognition is bovine colostrum for dogs. Derived from the first milk of cows, this nutrient-rich substance has become a popular supplement for dogs due to its diverse health benefits as follows:

Healthy Immune System

One of the primary benefits of bovine colostrum lies in its ability to boost a dog's immune system. The immunoglobulins present in this supplement provide immunity, helping young puppies and adult dogs alike fend off infections and diseases. This is especially crucial for young ones, as their immune systems are still developing.

immune support

Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Bovine colostrum contains various bioactive compounds with anti-inflammatory properties. These compounds help regulate the inflammatory response, making it a valuable supplement for dogs suffering from inflammatory conditions such as arthritis.

Gastrointestinal Health

Bovine colostrum is known for its positive effects on the digestive tract. It contains factors that support the integrity of the intestinal lining, preventing leaky gut syndrome, balancing good and bad bacteria, and improving fecal quality. This makes it particularly beneficial for dogs with gastrointestinal disorders or sensitivities.


Accelerated Healing

The growth factors in bovine colostrum, such as IGF-1, contribute to accelerated wound healing and tissue repair. This is advantageous for dogs recovering from surgeries, injuries, or other medical conditions.

Nutritional Support

Apart from its immune-boosting properties, colostrum is a rich source of nutrients. It provides puppies with the necessary vitamins, minerals, and proteins needed for growth and development. In older dogs, bovine colostrum serves as a nutritional supplement, filling potential gaps in their diet.

health benefits

Allergy Management

The anti-inflammatory components in bovine colostrum make it beneficial for dogs with allergy symptoms. It helps provide relief for canines suffering from itching, redness, and inflammation from allergic reactions.

Senior Dog Support

As dogs age, their immune systems tend to weaken. Bovine colostrum is used to enhance immune factors, support joint health, and contribute to the overall health of dogs.

Applications: Bovine Colostrum for Dogs


Bovine colostrum is rich in immunoglobulins, which enhance the immune system's ability to fight infections such as infectious diarrhea caused by bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens. This is particularly beneficial in preventing or managing common respiratory issues such as kennel cough.



Bovine colostrum helps support puppies in building immunity against parvovirus, a highly contagious viral infection that affects the gastrointestinal tract. Adequate immune support is crucial, especially in the early stages of a puppy's life.


Although bovine colostrum doesn't directly treat canine distemper, it contributes to overall immune system health. Distemper is a viral disease that affects various systems in a dog's body, and a robust immune system is essential for recovery and prevention.

canine distemper

Canine Herpesvirus

In puppies, canine herpesvirus can pose a threat, especially during the neonatal period. Bovine colostrum provides essential antibodies that help protect newborns from this virus, as they are particularly vulnerable in their early weeks of life.

Periodontal Disease

The anti-inflammatory properties of colostrum, along with its ability to support immune function, contribute to better oral health. Periodontal disease often involves inflammation and bacterial infections, which colostrum's properties play a significant role in managing.

periodontal dog

Physiological Functions

Bovine colostrum is rich in nutrients, growth factors, and bioactive substances that support well-being in dogs. This includes promoting growth and aiding in tissue repair.

Autoimmune Diseases

Although more research is needed, some studies suggest that key components such as IgM antibodies and proline-rich polypeptide contribute to bovine colostrum's immunomodulatory properties. These help regulate immune responses, providing support in cases of autoimmune diseases. However, it's crucial to consult with a veterinarian for tailored advice.

Arthritis and Joint Health

The anti-inflammatory components in colostrum usually benefit dogs with arthritis or other joint-related conditions. While it doesn't cure these issues, it supports joint health, stimulates cell growth, preserves bone density, promotes calcium absorption, and alleviates some of the associated inflammation and discomfort.

canine arthritis joints

Leaky Gut Syndrome

Colostrum's ability to support gut health is advantageous in preventing or managing leaky gut syndrome, a condition where the intestinal barrier becomes compromised, allowing substances to leak into the bloodstream.

Dosage and Administration

When using bovine colostrum for dogs, it's crucial to follow the recommended dosage guidelines provided by the product manufacturer or your veterinarian. Below are some factors you should consider:

Consultation with Your Veterinarian

Before introducing any new supplement, including bovine colostrum, it's essential to consult with your veterinarian. They will assess your dog's health, discuss specific needs, and provide guidance on dosage based on individual circumstances.

talk with your veterinarian about colostrum

Dosage Based on Dog Size

Dosage recommendations typically vary depending on the size of the dog. Small dogs may require a lower dose, while large dogs may need a higher amount. Manufacturers often provide dosage instructions based on body weight categories, so follow these guidelines closely.

Consideration for Young Animals

For puppies, especially those without access to maternal colostrum, the initial dosage may be higher to provide essential immune support during their early stages of development. However, always adhere to the manufacturer's recommendations or seek guidance from your veterinarian.

young puppies & colostrum

Form of Colostrum Supplement

Bovine colostrum supplements come in various forms, including powders, capsules, and liquids. The form you choose impacts the administration method. Bovine Colostrum powder can be mixed with food, while capsules may need to be hidden in a treat or administered directly. Liquids can be mixed in food or administered directly using a dropper.

Frequency of Administration

The frequency of administration may vary, but most supplements are typically given once or twice a day. The timing is dependent on your dog's feeding schedule, and it's often recommended to administer colostrum with meals.

Monitoring for Adverse Reactions

Keep a close eye on your dog for any adverse reactions. While bovine colostrum is generally well-tolerated, individual dogs may react differently. If you notice any signs of allergy symptoms, digestive upset, or other adverse effects, consult your veterinarian promptly.

watch your dog for symptoms

Adjustments for Specific Health Conditions

Most dogs with pre-existing health conditions may require adjustments to the dosage. If your dog is on medication or has known health issues, inform your veterinarian before starting bovine colostrum supplementation.

Gradual Introduction

When introducing a new supplement, it's often advisable to start with a smaller dose and gradually increase it over a few days. This allows your dog's system to adjust and helps you monitor for any sensitivities.

Considerations and Precautions

While bovine colostrum is generally safe for dogs and offers numerous health benefits, the following are considerations and precautions that dog owners should keep in mind to ensure the well-being of their pets:

source and quality of colostrum

Source and Quality

Ensure that the bovine colostrum product comes from a reputable source. High-quality colostrum derived from grass-fed cows is preferable, as it reduces the risk of contaminants and ensures a more natural composition.

Pregnant and Nursing Dogs

Pregnant dogs should not be given bovine colostrum supplements, as it may interfere with their natural birthing process. For nursing dogs, it's advisable to consult with your veterinarian to determine the suitability and dosage.

Storage and Expiry

Follow the storage recommendations provided by the manufacturer to maintain the quality and efficacy of the bovine colostrum. Check the expiration date before use, and discard any expired products.

Regular Veterinary Check-Ups

Incorporating bovine colostrum into your dog's routine should be done under the guidance of a veterinarian. Regular check-ups allow for ongoing assessment of your dog's health and help tailor the supplementation plan based on their individual needs.

What to Consider When Choosing a Colostrum Powder

Below are key considerations to keep in mind when choosing a colostrum powder:

  1. Source of Colostrum: Choose colostrum powder derived from a reliable and reputable source. Ideally, it should come from pasture-fed, healthy cows free from antibiotics and synthetic hormones. You may also find hemp colostrum for dogs (or hemp milk) options on the market, which should be evaluated by your veterinarian. 

  2. Purity and Quality: Look for colostrum powder that is minimally processed to retain its natural bioactive properties. High-quality colostrum should be free from additives, preservatives, and fillers. Third-party testing for purity can provide assurance of the product's quality.

  3. IgG Content: Immunoglobulin G (IgG) is a crucial component of colostrum responsible for providing immunity. Ensure that the colostrum powder you choose has a high IgG content, as this indicates its potency in supporting the immune system.

  4. Processing Method: The method of processing usually impacts the bioavailability of the colostrum. Choose colostrum powder processed using low-heat methods such as cold processing to preserve the integrity of sensitive bioactive compounds. High-heat processing tends to denature proteins and diminish the effectiveness of the supplement.

  5. Ethical and Sustainable Practices: Choose products from companies that prioritize ethical and sustainable practices. Look for colostrum sourced from farms that adhere to humane treatment of animals and eco-friendly agricultural practices.

  6. Manufacturer Reputation: Research the reputation of the manufacturer. Choose a company known for producing high-quality supplements, adhering to quality standards, and being transparent about their sourcing and production processes.

  7. User Reviews and Testimonials: Read user reviews and testimonials to gain insights into the experiences of other consumers. Positive reviews from individuals with similar health goals is a good indicator of the product's effectiveness.

  8. Purpose of Use: Consider your specific health goals and the intended purpose of using colostrum powder. Different products have variations in composition to target specific health concerns, so choose one that aligns with your needs.

The Bottom Line

Commonly referred to as "first milk", colostrum is a nutrient-rich fluid produced by mammals in the mammary glands during the initial days after giving birth. Derived from pasture-raised cows, bovine colostrum for dogs mirrors the immune-boosting and growth-promoting properties found in a mother's milk, making it a valuable addition to your canine's diet.

Beyond its role in gastrointestinal health, bovine colostrum products are known to promote a healthy inflammatory response. This is particularly noteworthy in managing conditions such as skin infections and periodontal diseases. The presence of vital nutrients, including immunoglobulins, proline-rich polypeptides, and growth factors like IGF-1, showcases the efficacy of colostrum in promoting canine well-being.

happy healthy dog

Unlike pharmaceutical drugs, bovine colostrum offers a natural alternative, making it an attractive option for pet owners seeking complementary and preventative measures for their dogs. The incorporation of colostrum into a dog's diet may not only aid in preventing diarrhea and bacterial infections but also contribute to overall immune system function.

Moreover, the choice of pasture-raised sources ensures the purity and quality of the colostrum, aligning with the natural, healthy lifestyle that most pet owners aspire to provide for their canine companions. As human colostrum gains recognition for its health benefits, its canine counterpart follows suit, offering dog owners a natural and wholesome supplement to enhance the longevity and vitality of their furry friends.


  1. Canine Ceuticals. (2023, May 29). The benefits of colostrum for dogs. Retrieved from

  2. Healthful Pets. (n.d.). ProDog Colostrum Immune Support Supplement for Dogs (100g). Retrieved from

  3. Rossi L, Lumbreras AEV, Vagni S, Dell'Anno M, Bontempo V. Nutritional and Functional Properties of Colostrum in Puppies and Kittens. Animals (Basel). 2021 Nov 15;11(11):3260. doi: 10.3390/ani11113260. PMID: 34827992; PMCID: PMC8614261. Retrieved from

  4. Satyaraj E, Reynolds A, Pelker R, Labuda J, Zhang P, Sun P. Supplementation of diets with bovine colostrum influences immune function in dogs. Br J Nutr. 2013 Dec;110(12):2216-21. doi: 10.1017/S000711451300175X. Epub 2013 Jun 18. PMID: 23773360. Retieved from

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Lianne McLeod, DVM, is a former writer for The Spruce Pets, contributing articles for 11 years. Before Dr. McLeod began writing about pet care, she worked several years in small animal practice. She has written extensively about the care and keeping of exotic pets and pet health care. She now researches water quality and chronic disease at the University of Saskatchewan. Lianne McLeod earned her Doctorate of Veterinary Medicine from the Western College of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Saskatchewan. She also received a Bachelor of Science degree in biology from Simon Fraser University. She continued her education and received a Ph.D. in Epidemiology from the University of Saskatchewan. Now, she splits her time between her family, research and writing about pet health for all the animal lovers out there.

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