Tinctures Collection Informational

This is a full guide to cbd oil for dogs so that pet owners can understand products before they buy. Image of a dog waiting for his daily CBD oil.


We're fortunate to have helped thousands of dogs overcome significant obstacles to their physical and emotional health with our CBD oils. We couldn't believe it when CBD actually helped our pets, and dog owners like you are equally astonished by the results.

We only use USA organic hemp-derived CBD oil in our formulations, and all of the oils on this page are made specifically to be safe and effective for pets with all-natural ingredients.

CBD Oil for Dogs: Everything You Should Know


To start, CBD oil is an extract from the hemp plant which, by law, cannot have more than 0.3% THC content. This means CBD won't get your dog high, as THC is the psychoactive compound in marijuana. Any product with more than 0.3% THC is not safe or legal for your pet.

Full-spectrum CBD oil for dogs contains the natural breadth of lesser-known compounds called cannabinoids found in the hemp plant, many of which support the benefits that dogs experience.


Understanding CBD oil for dogs


For CBD oil to be effective in dogs, a hemp extract needs to be mixed with a carrier oil. We use fractionated coconut oil. The healthy fats in fractionated coconut oil mesh well with a dog's metabolism, and this allows the CBD and other beneficial compounds in full-spectrum hemp to enter your dog's system.

Our most popular CBD oil for dogs consists of only two natural ingredients:

This is a very simple organic tincture that yields incredible results for most of the dogs who use our CBD product.

Our Best Selling Oil

Full Spectrum Hemp Oil

Full Spectrum Hemp Oil

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Does CBD Help Dogs?


Here's the short answer:

CBD has a very similar chemical structure to key compounds that your dog's body naturally produces. This structure makes it almost like a "key" to the "locks" in receptors that already influence physical and emotional health.

When CBD binds to these receptors, it allows the compounds your dog already produces to work more efficiently, often allowing the system to recover with tools it already has. This is why many pet owners see health benefits in their dogs.

In summary: CBD oil for dogs supports your dog's natural ability to regulate various bodily functions, but it doesn't directly alter the system like some drugs do.

Is There Evidence to Support CBD's Benefits for Dogs?


Researchers are actively investigating the health effects of CBD for dogs. Because CBD provides a supportive role to a central physiological system, there are several health areas that CBD impacts. We compiled some of the most important research on the subject below.

Key Research Studies on CBD for Dogs


  • Colorado State University ran a clinical research trial into the use of CBD for seizures in dogs. Their results were "encouraging," with 89% of dogs who received CBD experiencing a reduction in seizure activity.

  • Cornell University ran one of the first research studies into CBD for dogs with osteoarthritis and found that over 80% of dogs saw a decrease in pain and were more "comfortable and active."

  • Frontiers in Veterinary Science ran a study that found "a single dose of cannabidiol (CBD) positively influences measures of stress in dogs during separation or car travel."

  • Frontiers in Veterinary Science ran another study on the safety of CBD for dogs and found that appropriate doses were "well tolerated in healthy dogs."

Canine Health & The Endocannabinoid System


What does cbd do for dogs?


CBD interacts naturally with the endocannabinoid system, also referred to as the ECS. Your dog's endocannabinoid system helps regulate physiological processes including mood, pain, inflammation, appetite, sleep, and more.

The ECS is one of the most important regulatory systems pets have, and it functions via a network of molecules and receptors that span your dog's entire body - truly, from head to tail.

When The ECS Falls Out of Balance, Issues Get Worse


In a perfect world, this system acts in real-time to keep your pet's health in check.

Unfortunately, your dog's ECS can be stifled by health issues like chronic pain and stress. Disruptions like these prevent your pet from getting better and often cause them to get worse.

Lasting issues like stress can disrupt the natural production of endocannabinoids that regulate mood, pain, immune response, appetite, and inflammation. These key endocannabinoids are Anandamide and 2-AG.

Your dog produces these naturally and needs them to maintain homeostasis.

What Does CBD Oil Do?


It's important to note that CBD is not guaranteed to improve or help your dog with any issues. It does not work for all dogs and any company that claims guaranteed benefits to your dog's anxiety, mobility, or seizures should not be trusted. All pets are different, and nothing is guaranteed.

If you don't see the desired results within 60 days of purchase, Lolahemp offers your money back with no questions asked.

What CBD does is bind to endocannabinoid receptors. It can do this because it has a similar structure to the natural compounds your dog's body already produces.

CBD is one of the many cannabinoids found in hemp. Cannabinoids share a similar structure to the endocannabinoids produced in your dog's body. CBD, along with the other cannabinoids in full-spectrum hemp, can all work together to support overall health.

When CBD is introduced to the system, it stirs up the natural production of your dog's necessary endocannabinoids so that they can get back to working their magic.

CBD plays a supportive role, often providing the crutch your pet needs in order to get back to their old selves. If you'd like to learn more, you can explore our pet CBD blog.


Watch our popular guide on CBD oil for dogs - veterinarian insights on everything you should know. 

Pets & The Hemp Plant - What to Know


The hemp plant is a member of the cannabis family. Cannabis breaks into two primary categories. These are hemp and marijuana.

Hemp contains less than 0.3% THC which is the psychoactive component in marijuana, it is traditionally used for several purposes and is legal in most parts of the United States.

Marijuana is cultivated to have varying levels of THC content for human consumption, is not legal in many places around the United States, and should not be given to pets.

Hemp-Derived CBD for Dogs


Hemp-derived dog CBD products come in a variety of forms. You might find chews, treats, oils, or topicals as you search online.

Each of these has a different use and potentially poses its own unique benefit.

1. Dog CBD Tincture


CBD oils can be formulated differently, and each company may use a different extraction method when producing their oil. Lolahemp uses a cold C02 extraction method to preserve the compounds and qualities present in the hemp plants we use.

Liquid CBD oil is often the most beneficial to a dog's health. This is because CBD carried by an MCT oil can easily enter your dog's system without being wasted as it travels through the digestive system.

It has high bioavailability, which is the measure of how effectively and quickly a substance can be absorbed in the body. The highest percentage of CBD is absorbed when oil is dropped directly into your dog's cheek or under the tongue.

You can also drop it onto their food or treats, but some of the active ingredients will be wasted when using this method. It's important to follow dosage guidelines when using tinctures and oils to avoid high doses, as these oils are

2. CBD Chews for Dogs


CBD chews for pets are often formulated very similar to treats. They are typically soft, flavored, and made with additional ingredients that can contribute to dog health benefits.

Chews often include CBD oil of some kind, whether it's a full-spectrum oil or an isolated form of CBD. Lolahemp Chews a great option if your dog doesn't like oil, won't let you put your hand near their mouth, or they're simply picky eaters.

Note that the terms CBD chews and CBD treats are often used interchangeably.

Lolahemp CBD chews are made to be delicious for dogs, and they include a handful of natural ingredients that can help pets get back to their best. This is a good option for dog owners who need a quick option.

How to Use a CBD Treat


Just because these are called "treats" doesn't mean you should give them to your pet to them at-will! CBD treats and chews contain a curated dosage of CBD, so you should always be sure to follow dosage guidelines for chews as well as oils.

Giving your dog a CBD treat should be a daily ritual rather than consistent reward for good behavior. There are also treats formulated for different benefits that should be given at different times.

Chews used for their calming effect, for example, should be given in anticipation of your dog's stress or anxiety. These products may help to keep your pet calm for the period of time after they eat them.

Choosing The Right Pet CBD Products


Now that you have an understanding of what CBD oil does and how it's made, let's talk about finding a good option for your pet.

Choose a High Quality Product Made Just for Pets


First, and most importantly, CBD oil for dogs is not the same thing as CBD oil for humans. Don't give your pet cannabidiol products made for humans. It's important to distinguish between the terms "made for humans" and "human grade."

CBD Made for Humans: typically very highly concentrated and unfit for dogs. Human products may also THC and additional ingredients that can be harmful to dogs.

Human Grade CBD: this simply means that it's made with the best quality. You should only give your pets human-grade CBD oil for the best results. Lolahemp CBD oils for dogs are made with human-grade hemp grown organically at a family farm in Colorado.

Don't compromise your pet's safety with low-quality products, especially ones with ingredients that aren't chosen specifically for pets.

Choose a Product with Third-Party Lab Tests


A company that displays its third-party lab tests is always the better option. This means that you can review all of the ingredients in the product as well as whatever other traces of chemicals or compounds found in it. This is true for CBD products and non-CBD products alike.

Some less-than-reputable pet companies have sold CBD products with heavy metals, high levels of pesticides, solvents, and herbicides in them. This is why it's important to choose a company that's forthright about their practices and offer third-party lab test results to their customers.

Lolahemp offers third-party lab tests for each batch of all our products along with certificates of analysis. We share the potency and quality of each batch with you. This ensures purity and consistency so pet owners like you know you're getting the best of the best.

There's nothing like the anxiety of trying new products for a pet, so we do our best to make sure this process is free from doubts or worries. If you have any questions about CBD for dogs, our products, or anything else, you can always contact us via email or phone.

Choose a CBD Product Formulated by Veterinarians.


Vet-formulated products are those which have been made with the support and insights of veterinarians. Lolahemp is proud to offer vet-formulated products.

When pet CBD products are made without the help of professionals, it puts pet safety into question.

Lastly, Buy Dog CBD Products with Dosage Guidelines


CBD is best to use in dosages appropriate to the size of your dog. Higher doses can cause a number of undesirable side effects, ranging from lethargy to gastrointestinal troubles.

A dosage guideline helps ensure consistency and efficacy in your dog's health regimen. When using CBD oil, always use a dropper with milliliter markings and reference your dosage chart to ensure you're giving pets the proper amount.

All of Lolahemp's CBD oil products for dogs come with clear dosage instructions, and you can view our general CBD dosage chart for your pet below. For more insights, look at our dosage guidelines page.


Breed Size Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3
Extra Small Breeds (less than 10 lbs) 2 drops Twice Daily 4 drops Twice Daily -
Small Breeds (up to 25 lbs) 1/4mL Twice Daily 1/2mL Twice Daily 1mL Twice Daily
Mid-Sized Breeds (up to 50 lbs) 1/2mL Twice Daily 1mL Twice Daily 1.5mL Twice Daily
Upper Mid-Sized Breeds (up to 75 lbs) 3/4mL Twice Daily 1.25mL Twice Daily Try Our Extra Strength Oil
Large Breeds (up to 100 lbs) 1mL Twice Daily 1.5mL Twice Daily Try Our Extra Strength Oil
XL Breeds (100+ lbs) 1mL Twice Daily 2mL Twice Daily Try Our Extra Strength Oil

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