Calming Hemp Treats for Dogs - Do They Work and Are They Safe?

Calming Hemp Treats for Dogs: Do They Work?

Posted by Max Martinson on

Calming Hemp Treats for Dogs - Do They Work and Are They Safe?

If you have a road trip coming up, family in town, or other plans on the horizon, you've probably thought about how these events will impact your dog.

CBD hemp treats for anxious dogs are a popular option, and they can be very effective. All dogs are different, though, and so are all CBD pet products.

Lola Hemp Logo Lolahemp's calming chews have provided thousands of dogs with natural relief to their daily distress.

Some of our furry friends can roll with the punches, but more anxious dogs may not respond as well. As a result, pet owners are often interested in products like hemp calming treats to relieve their dog's nerves, and this guide has all of the answers you're looking for. 


Dog in the wind on the beach calm - Your Guide to Calming Treats for Dogs

Do Hemp Calming Chews Work for Dogs?

Calming hemp chews with CBD do work for a lot of dogs. Other dogs may not be responsive to hemp, but studies show that it is a well-tolerated and generally safe option if you find a high quality product.

How hemp works in dogs: 

  • Calming hemp treats with CBD can work by influencing a dog's endocannabinoid system, which plays a big role in your dog's emotional state.

The product you choose matters: 

  • The most effective calming hemp treats are those made with full-spectrum hemp, typically including additional natural ingredients to induce a sense of calm. 

Positive results are common:

  • Many pet owners notice a significant reduction in signs of stress and anxiety in their dogs when they use calming hemp products.
  • Research supports these results, too: a study from Frontiers in Veterinary Science found that a single dose of CBD "positively influences measures of stress in dogs during separation and car travel.


How Effective Can Calming Hemp Treats Be?

If your dog is receptive to hemp treats and CBD, calming treats can make a big difference in their quality of life. It depends on the quality of the product and the dosage you choose. 

For stressors like car rides and separation:

  • CBD can be effective for light stressors like separation and car travel, especially when dogs are given the appropriate dosage in advance of these situations.
  • It may not be effective if your dog has severe reactions to these triggers.

For general anxious behavior:

  • If your dog is stressed and nervous by nature, calming chews may be able to help, and it may not. It depends on the dog, the severity of their distress, and the reasons for their behavior. 
  • If there are environmental or traumatic triggers, these should be addressed with behavioral therapy.
  • Calming hemp chews can be a piece of the puzzle for your dog's improvements, although it may not be a solution. 

For hyperactive and unruly behavior:

  • If your dog is generally hyper and wild, calming chews could be an effective way to curb their high energy behavior without sedating them or altering their personality. 
  • Because hemp works with the endocannabinoid system, it provides a supportive calming role rather than acting upon your dog's system like some drugs do. This typically results in a calming effect that doesn't produce unusual changes to personality or behavior. 

Ultimately, hemp calming treats may be a safe option that you can try for your dog. They aren't guaranteed to work for your particular dog, but they're certainly worth a shot if you're exploring natural options.

How Long do Calming Treats Take to Kick in?

Calming treats can work relatively quickly, with results showing in under an hour in most cases. 

  • Give your dog a calming treat at least 45 minutes before you anticipate a stressful event. This will give the chew enough time to enter your dog's system and become calm before they're faced with the stressor.
  • For general improvements in mood and calm, you can give your dog CBD calming chews daily at weight-appropriate dosage, and the effects have shown to build over a period of months.



Cute dog looking calmly at owner

Are Hemp Calming Treats Safe for Dogs?

Products that are formulated specifically for dogs are generally considered safe to use for dogs. There are some certain exceptions to keep in mind while shopping, however:

  • Never by calming CBD products intended for human consumption

  • Purchase from a company that provides third-party lab test results to ensure safety and quality

  • Always discuss new products & supplements with your veterinarian

  • If your dog is on other medications, discuss how the particular product you buy could interact with those medications, if at all.

  • Don't give your dog calming treats as though they were normal "treats" - hemp calming treats have active ingredients like CBD that are meant to be given at specific dosages.

  • Follow dosage guidelines closely and monitor your dog's response.

If you keep those things in mind, you can use CBD calming dog treats safely for your dog.


Husky laying down with a sense of calm

So, Calming Treats for Dogs: Do They Work?

 Calming dog treats are an effective option for many pet parents. Hemp treats for dogs with CBD are a great option to explore if you're looking for natural solutions, but always be sure to discuss the idea with your veterinarian.

Further, always follow dosage guidelines and keep an eye on your pet's response to any calming supplements. The best calming treats for your dog are out there, but you might have to try a few options before you find the right one!


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Max is the Content Director for Lolahemp. He works closely with Lolahemp's veterinarians and writers, ensuring that our articles are factual, enjoyable, and useful to pet owners. Before Lolahemp, Max contributed articles to various pet health and wellness sites around the internet after graduating from the University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire. He is also the proud owner of a mischievous grey cat named Herbie.

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