Understanding Pruritus in Dogs | Excessive Itching

two scratching dogs and text that says "understanding pruritus in dogs"

By: Joey DiFrancesco

Understanding Pruritus in Dogs | Excessive Itching

Excessive itching (pruritus) in dogs can be caused by a number of things, but there are a handful of home remedies that could provide significant support.

Itching in dogs, or pruritus, is a common issue that causes discomfort through excessive scratching, licking, and biting, potentially harming the skin. This condition can be triggered by skin infections, such as bacterial or fungal infections, or underlying health problems like hormonal imbalances, autoimmune diseases, or cancer.

In this exploration of pruritus in dogs, we will cover the clinical symptoms, potential causes, diagnostic methods, and treatment options to help alleviate your pet's discomfort.

How to Know if Your Dog Has Pruritus

If you’re wondering whether your dog has pruritus, look for signs like persistent scratching, licking, biting, or rubbing at the skin. Dogs with pruritus may also show changes in their behavior, such as restlessness or irritability, due to the discomfort caused by itching. Red, inflamed, or scabbed skin, hair loss, or hot spots are common physical symptoms of itching.

In some cases, dogs may develop secondary infections from excessive scratching, which can worsen the condition. If you notice any of these signs, it’s important to consult a veterinarian for a proper diagnosis and to determine the underlying cause of the itching.

Dog scratching due to pruritus, showing signs of discomfort

Clinical Symptoms Canine Pruritus

  • Scratching and Biting: Excessive scratching and biting are clear indicators of itchiness. Dogs may target specific areas using their paws or teeth in an attempt to relieve discomfort.
  • Redness and Inflammation: Itchy skin often becomes red, inflamed, and swollen. The affected areas may feel warm to the touch due to constant irritation.
  • Hair Loss and Thinning Fur: Continuous scratching or biting can cause hair loss, leading to patchy or uneven fur in areas of intense itching.
  • Hot Spots: Persistent scratching can result in hot spots—painful, moist sores that develop rapidly and may become infected if left untreated.
  • Rubbing Against Surfaces: To relieve itching in hard-to-reach spots, dogs may rub their body against furniture, walls, or the floor.
  • Paw Chewing and Licking: Dogs often chew or lick their paws excessively when experiencing itchiness, which can lead to redness, irritation, and sores between their toes.
  • Ear Scratching and Head Shaking: Itchy ears can cause frequent scratching or head shaking, often accompanied by recurring ear infections.
  • Skin Changes: Chronic itching can alter the skin's texture and color, causing it to become scaly, thickened, or even darkened.
  • Skin Infections: Continuous scratching can break the skin's barrier, making your dog prone to bacterial or yeast infections, often presenting as oozing sores.
  • Systemic Symptoms: In some cases, itching may be linked to allergies, causing symptoms like sneezing, watery eyes, or gastrointestinal issues such as vomiting or diarrhea.

Causes of Pruritus in Dogs

Itchiness in dogs can be attributed to a variety of factors, each demanding vigilant attention from pet owners.

The list of common causes of itchiness in dogs includes the following:

    • Ectoparasites: Fleas, mites, lice, and ticks are common external parasites that infest a dog’s skin and coat, causing persistent itching and discomfort.
    • Food Allergies: Dogs can develop sensitivities to certain foods like beef, dairy, chicken, and lamb, which can lead to skin irritation and itching. Identifying and eliminating these allergens from the diet is key to relief.
    • Seasonal Allergies (Atopy): Environmental factors like pollen, dust mites, and mold can trigger itching and skin inflammation, particularly during certain seasons.
    • Infections: Bacterial and fungal infections often develop as secondary conditions, further intensifying itching and discomfort in dogs.
    • Environmental Triggers: Pollen, mold spores, dust mites, and even insect bites can provoke itching in sensitive dogs. Other irritants, such as carpet fibers or plastics, may also contribute.
    Dog scratching due to pruritus, showing skin irritation

    Home Remedies for Pruritus

    For mild cases of itchy dog skin, the following home remedies may provide relief for your furry friend:

    • Chamomile and Green Tea: Brew chamomile or green tea, let it cool, and use it to soak your dog's itchy skin. The anti-inflammatory properties can provide soothing relief.
    • Colloidal Oatmeal Baths: Add colloidal oatmeal to your dog's bathwater to reduce inflammation and calm irritated skin. Make sure the water is lukewarm to avoid further irritation.
    • Apple Cider Vinegar: Dilute apple cider vinegar with water (1:1 ratio) and apply it to your dog's skin using a spray bottle. It may help with mild yeast infections and has antibacterial properties.
    • Fish Oil Supplements: Adding fish oil supplements to your dog's diet can promote healthy skin and reduce inflammation, thanks to its high Omega-3 fatty acid content.
    • Aloe Vera: Apply pure aloe vera gel to irritated or red areas. Ensure it’s free of additives or preservatives to benefit from its soothing and anti-inflammatory effects.


    Itching in dogs is a common and often distressing issue that can have various underlying causes, including allergies, parasites, skin infections, or systemic health problems.

    It is crucial for dog owners to be vigilant and seek professional veterinary guidance when their furry companions exhibit persistent itching, as timely diagnosis and appropriate treatment are essential for the well-being and comfort of our four-legged friends. 

    By addressing the root causes of itching and providing diligent care, we can help our dogs lead happier, healthier lives, free from the discomfort and irritation of constant itching. If you're looking for topical relief, Lolahemp's CBD balm for dogs can be effective.


    1. Merck Veterinary Manual. (Oct. 2022). Allergies in Dogs. https://www.merckvetmanual.com/dog-owners/skin-disorders-of-dogs/allergies-in-dogs
    2. Merck Veterinary Manual. (Oct. 2022). Pruritus in Animals. https://www.merckvetmanual.com/integumentary-system/integumentary-system-introduction/pruritus-in-animals 

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    • Can you tell me if you carry any products for flea prevention, flea bites and itching sprays or shampoos? Our small dogs never had fleas and are indoors except for be let out to go to the bathroom. There are large dogs behind us, neighbors. We think that is how our dogs have gotten them.also, anything that may kill fleas in the yard. They are miserable and we have bathed them and put on flea spray. Any recommendations on what we can do to alleviate this issue?

      Crystena on

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