Chamomile for Dogs

Chamomile for Dogs

Posted by Lianne McLeod D.V.M. on

Chamomile for Dogs

Humans have long sought solace and healing from the bountiful offerings of natural herbs. From ancient traditions to modern holistic practices, herbs have played a vital role in promoting well-being and balance. One such botanical gem is chamomile. Known for its calming influence, chamomile has been a cherished remedy for relaxation and tranquility.

Chamomile is also a herb used for canine care. In this article, we look into the world of chamomile for dogs, exploring its significance, therapeutic properties, and, how much chamomile is enough, and how pet owners are incorporating this herb into their canine companions' lives.

chamomile found in lolahemp calming oil

What Is Chamomile? 

Chamomile is a daisy-like plant that has long been used as a human herbal remedy with soothing properties and traces its roots back through centuries of traditional medicine. Chamomile is renowned for its calming properties and is used for relaxation and improvement of general well-being. 


This herb belongs to the daisy family and boasts a distinctive appearance with its daisy-like flowers and feathery leaves. The two main varieties, German and Roman chamomile, have been used in teas, infusions, and essential oils.

The secret to chamomile's therapeutic abilities lies in its bioactive natural plant compounds, including bisabolol, chamazulene, and flavonoids. These constituents contribute to chamomile's anti-inflammatory, calming, and digestive benefits, making it a holistic remedy for various ailments.

In case you are wondering if the benefits of the herb extend to dogs, then read on to find out as we tackle the risks, benefits, and administration of Chamomile for dogs. 

Is it safe for Dogs? 

Chamomile is safe for dogs. When administered in moderation and with due diligence, this herbal medicine can indeed be of benefit to our furry friends. Its bioactive compounds, such as bisabolol and chamazulene address issues like anxiety, digestive discomfort, inflammatory bowel disease, and mild skin irritations.

chamomile safe for dogs?

While you can brew this herb as a tea, it is advisable to choose chamomile-infused treats specially formulated for dogs. Chamomile tea blends commonly include other plant extracts that could pose risks to dogs. Otherwise, just ensure that the chamomile tea is free from any additives, sweeteners, or caffeine. Dogs do not process these substances the way humans do, and they can be harmful to them. Additionally,

As with any wellness regimen, moderation is key. Introducing chamomile to your dog's routine should be a gradual process, considering factors like size, breed, and individual sensitivities. A small Chihuahua and a majestic Great Dane may require different dosages, emphasizing the need for personalized attention. Veterinarians, with their wealth of knowledge, can provide tailored advice based on your dog's specific needs.

Chamomile Health Benefits 

Some of the health benefits of Chamomile for dogs include;

chamomile's benefits to dogs
  1. Calming Effects

Chamomile has calming ingredients that are known to benefit our dogs by producing soothing properties. This natural remedy works to calm the canine nervous system and provides a natural and gentle remedy for dogs experiencing stress, mild anxiety, or restlessness. This benefit of the soothing herb makes it ideal for a holistic approach to promoting mental well-being in our beloved companions.

  1. Digestive Aid

A harmonious digestive system is at the core of a dog's overall health. This natural herb is a digestive aid that offers relief from occasional digestive discomfort, supports optimal nutrient absorption, and contributes to the maintenance of gastrointestinal issues. Aiding in digestive function also prevents gas and bloating.

  1. Anti-Inflammatory Properties

The bioactive compounds in chamomile act as a natural defense against inflammation, potentially alleviating discomfort associated with conditions like arthritis. This dimension of the herb's benefits underscores its role in supporting your dog's comfort and mobility, particularly for dogs facing age-related challenges.

  1. Parasite Combat

Chamomile acts as a natural deterrent against parasites. Whether your dog is dealing with fleas, ticks, or other pests, chamomile can offer a gentle yet effective defense. Incorporating this herb into your dog's grooming routine or opting for a vet-approved chamomile spray can be a proactive measure against these pests.

  1. Muscle Relaxant 

Chamomile has properties that help to relax muscles and offer tension relief. Its antispasmodic properties promote relaxation of stomach and bowel muscles, decreasing pain and easing an upset stomach.

  1.  Soothing Skin and Eyes 

With its antimicrobial properties dog chamomile, provides relief for itchy skin and irritated eyes. Whether your dog is dealing with dryness, redness, or a persistent itch, chamomile provides soothing comfort.

Introducing chamomile into your dog's skincare routine can take various forms. A chamomile-infused wash for irritated skin or a carefully prepared chamomile tea eye rinse can provide the relief your dog needs. The goal is to harness chamomile's natural antimicrobial effects, creating a shield against common skin and eye discomforts.

Forms of Administration

There are various forms of Chamomile supplements for our dogs. Each method is tailored for specific applications. 

ways to administer chamomile to dogs
  1. Herbal Tea

To brew dog chamomile tea begin by bringing water to a gentle boil and steeping a chamomile tea bag or loose chamomile flowers. Let it cool to room temperature, ensuring it's comfortably warm for your furry friend. Strain the tea to remove any loose particles, and you will have a canine-friendly cooled chamomile tea.

When it comes to dosage, the golden rule is moderation. Small dogs may require around a teaspoon, while larger breeds could benefit from a tablespoon. Start with a smaller amount and observe your dog's response before adjusting the dosage.

  1. Topical Applications

For skin issues, chamomile's soothing touch can be applied topically. Create a chamomile-infused balm by mixing chamomile essential oil with a carrier oil like coconut or olive oil. Alternatively, the tea can be used as a wash by applying it directly or through a soaked cloth on the inflamed skin or other affected areas.

While chamomile is generally safe, it's essential to conduct a patch test before widespread application. Allergic reactions are rare but possible. Dilute essential oils appropriately, and discontinue use if any adverse reactions occur. Always consult with your veterinarian before using chamomile on open wounds or if your dog has known allergies.

  1. Treats

For a fuss-free approach, chamomile-based dog treats have gained popularity. These treats seamlessly incorporate the benefits of chamomile into delicious bites. Many reputable brands offer chamomile-infused options, providing a convenient and enjoyable way to introduce this herbal remedy into your dog's routine.

Exploring reviews of chamomile-based dog treats allows you to make informed choices. Look for brands that prioritize quality ingredients, transparency in sourcing, and positive testimonials from fellow pet parents.

  1. Eye Rinse

While this herbal tea can be used for eye rinse to alleviate eye irritation,  please consult with a veterinarian before attempting any eye treatments for your dog.

In essence, the diverse forms of dog chamomile administration cater to different needs and preferences, ensuring that every dog can benefit from the gentle touch of this herbal remedy. Whether through a calming tea, soothing balm, delectable treat, or even eye rinse, chamomile's potential unfolds in a myriad of ways.

Potential Side Effects of Chamomile for Dogs

As with any natural herbal remedies, it's crucial to be aware of the potential side effects of chamomile use and proceed with caution. Here's a closer look at some considerations:

potential side effects of chamomile
  1. Allergic Reactions

Watch for signs of reactions such as itching, swelling, redness, or digestive upset. Some dogs are allergic to plants in the daisy family.

Cease administration immediately if any allergic symptoms occur. Consult with a veterinarian for guidance.

  1. Sedation or Drowsiness

Chamomile's calming properties may induce mild sedation or drowsiness.

Adjust the dosage based on your dog's response. Avoid activities that require alertness until you understand how your dog reacts to chamomile.

  1. Digestive Upset

In some cases, chamomile may cause mild gastrointestinal upset, including vomiting or diarrhea.

Monitor your dog's digestive response. If issues persist or worsen, discontinue chamomile use and consult with a veterinarian.

  1. Potential Interactions with Medications

Chamomile may interact with certain medications, affecting their efficacy.

Always inform your veterinarian about any herbal supplements, including chamomile, especially if your dog is on prescribed medications to avoid drug interactions.

  1. Skin Irritation (Topical Use)

Rarely, topical applications of chamomile may cause skin irritation or redness.

Conduct a patch test before widespread use. Discontinue use if any adverse skin reactions occur.

  1. Pregnancy Concerns

Pregnant dogs or those attempting to breed should avoid chamomile due to its potential uterine-stimulating effects.

Consult with a veterinarian before introducing chamomile to pregnant or breeding dogs.

  1. Potential Interaction with Allergies

Chamomile belongs to the Asteraceae family, which may cause cross-reactivity in dogs with known plant allergies.

If your dog has plant allergies, exercise caution and consult with a veterinarian before introducing chamomile.

Therefore when administering chamomile, always start with a small dose and monitor your dog's response. Also consult with a veterinarian, especially if your dog has pre-existing health conditions or is on medication.

While chamomile is generally considered safe for dogs, individual responses may vary. Responsible observation and communication with a veterinarian ensure a tailored and safe approach to incorporating chamomile into your dog's wellness routine.

Chamomile Dosage

It is important to understand the proper dosage of chamomile for your canine companion. Getting the proper dosage requires precision, consideration, and expertise. Let us look at the various considerations.

Dosages for chamomile
  1. Tailoring Dosage to Size

Chamomile dosage is not a one-size-fits-all affair; it's a meticulous orchestration based on your dog's size, weight, and age. For smaller breeds, a teaspoon of chamomile tea might be the right measure, while larger counterparts could benefit from a tablespoon (high doses). 

  1. Gradual Introduction

Before administering the full dose, introduce chamomile gradually into your dog's routine, allowing their system to acquaint itself with this herbal remedy. This measured approach not only ensures better acceptance but also allows you to observe how your dog responds to chamomile's gentle touch.

  1. Canine Sensitivities

Just as musical instruments differ in sensitivity, so do dogs. Keep a keen eye on your dog's response to chamomile. Watch for any signs of allergies, digestive upset, or changes in behavior. It's the subtle cues, like a maestro tuning into the nuances of a composition, that guide your understanding of the ideal dosage for your dog.

  1. Veterinarian's Guidance

Seek professional advice before initiating dog chamomile into your pet's routine. Veterinarians, with their wealth of knowledge, can offer personalized recommendations based on your dog's health profile, potential contraindications, and any ongoing medications.

  1. Adjusting for Purpose

Consider the purpose behind incorporating chamomile. Is it for calming effects, digestive aid, or addressing skin issues? Each application may require a nuanced approach to dosage. For instance, if you're using chamomile for relaxation, a slightly higher dose might be suitable compared to addressing digestive concerns.

The dosage of chamomile for dogs is a finely tuned practice, a balance between the herbal benefits and your dog's unique needs. With mindful dosing and the guidance of a Vet let chamomile be the soothing relief in your dog's wellness.

The Bottomline

Chamomile, a herbal gem, offers a myriad of benefits, from pacifying anxious moments to providing a gentle touch for irritated skin. Its versatile nature addresses various concerns our dogs may encounter. However, the key lies in a nuanced approach to its use: a delicate equilibrium between dosage and your dog's unique needs.

Responsible utilization goes beyond adhering to general guidelines, it involves tailoring the dosage to your dog's specific requirements. Considerations such as size, purpose of administration, and individual sensitivities all contribute to orchestrating the perfect balance. Consulting with veterinarians is paramount in this process. Their expertise ensures that chamomile seamlessly integrates with your dog's health profile, steering clear of potential conflicts or contraindications.

As you embark on the journey of incorporating chamomile into your dog's routine, observe subtle cues, acknowledge any changes, and stay attuned to your dog's responses. This attentive approach allows you to fine-tune the dog chamomile experience, optimizing its benefits.

With responsibility as your guiding principle and informed choices as your compass, chamomile transforms from a mere herbal remedy into a thoughtful contribution to your dog's holistic wellness.


  1. Srivastava, J. K., Shankar, E., & Gupta, S. (2010). Chamomile: A herbal medicine of the past with bright future. Molecular medicine reports, 3(6), 895–901.

  2. Sah, A., Naseef, P. P., Kuruniyan, M. S., Jain, G. K., Zakir, F., & Aggarwal, G. (2022). A Comprehensive Study of Therapeutic Applications of Chamomile. Pharmaceuticals (Basel, Switzerland), 15(10), 1284.

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Lianne McLeod, DVM, is a former writer for The Spruce Pets, contributing articles for 11 years. Before Dr. McLeod began writing about pet care, she worked several years in small animal practice. She has written extensively about the care and keeping of exotic pets and pet health care. She now researches water quality and chronic disease at the University of Saskatchewan. Lianne McLeod earned her Doctorate of Veterinary Medicine from the Western College of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Saskatchewan. She also received a Bachelor of Science degree in biology from Simon Fraser University. She continued her education and received a Ph.D. in Epidemiology from the University of Saskatchewan. Now, she splits her time between her family, research and writing about pet health for all the animal lovers out there.

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